Random Island Wiki is a community of volunteers interested in preserving our history

But we can't do it alone. We need your knowledge of Random Island! You may think your info is too insignificant, or that everyone knows it, but it isn't and we don't!
Help us preserve our history, and let the everyone know about all those tidbits! Like, for example, a history of Random Island Integrated/Academy. The Random Island hockey teams I've seen posted on Facebook. I personally had no knowledge of them or that they had existed!
You don't need to know how to edit the site, or feel confident in the written word, just get in touch, and we'll transcribe your info, and give you final sign off and credit. You can use this link to contact us.
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Look at the Apsey Brook and Smith pages for a sample idea. Some ideas of things we need follow, but please pass on your suggestions as well, and of course your pictures!