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The Korup Rainforest conservation Society (KRCS) was created in 2009 by a non-profit group of local persons committed to contribute their expertise in ensuring the entergrity of the rich biodiversity of Korup National Park and improvement of livelihoods of local communities. This initiative was inspired following the destruction of all of the park's research and tourism infrastructure by mobs of disgruntled local communities in September 2009. Recommendations of a conflict management workshop organised between the Korup park service and all local communities highlighted among other causes, the lack of information flow, absence of benefit sharing mechanism and complete neglect of local communities in park management as major causes of the high levels of conflicts in the protected area. The K.R.C.S is the only conservation oriented civil society organisation in the area that is seeking practical solution to the existing problems of conflicts between the park authorities and locals, resulting from high levels of poaching of endangered wildlife species for bush-meat by local people. After gaining legal authorisation from the government of Cameroon in K.R.C.S. is increasingly gaining support from the park management, the Ministry of Forestry and wildlife, local community leaders, academic institutions and well wishers from many parts of the world.


Involving Local people for a greener future.


According to our legal founding documents, membership has been open to all Cameroonian especially local people from the Korup National Park area who have demonstrated an interest in the conservation of the Korup tropical rain forest. As of 2011, we have about 50 members including tourist guides, former park rangers, previous research assistants, wildlife experts, young graduates and local community leaders. All our members have been very active in most of our activities as volunteers. We also have about six honorary members from Cameroon other countries (in Europe and USA) who have expressed interest and are willing to support in our strive to ensure the integrity of the Korup National Park.


As enshrined in our articles of association, our objectives are as follows;

♦ Involve local people in conservation and development research and training geared towards increasing community benefits, creating a sense of ownership and reducing conflicts around the Korup National Park. ♦ Ensuring the integrity of Korup biodiversity as our natural heritage through conservation advocacy and Environmantal education geared towards a change of attitude of local communities in forest resource use and stewardship. ♦ Promote conservation and/or development initiative geared towards ecosystem preservation and improvement of local livelihoods.


- Conservation/environmental education around the Korup National Park. - Creation and empowerment of school environmental clubs. - Providing experienced local field assistants in plant and animal research in the Korup National Park. - Assist visiting researchers in processing applications for research permits. - Specialised training of members in basic field research skill and protocols. - Assist the Korup Park management in park management activities that require local participation. - Participatory development and land use planning for local communities with use of GIS. - Lobby and advocacy for sustainable (green) development around the Korup National Park. - Working with local councils in our GREEN TOWNS initiative. - Mobilise schools and the general public in commemoration of some special events such as World Environment Day, World Wetlads Day, etc.


- Our monthly planning executive meetings and quarterly general assembly meetings. - Participation in Conflict management workshop. - Elaboration of Village development plans for 8 villages peripheral to the Korup National Park under the auspices of the German development service (DED). - Sensitiation of local communities on importance of village forest mangement commities alongside the Korup park service. - Elaboration of land use plans for 4 villages peripheral to the Korup National Park. - Participated in sensitisation tour of local communities alongside the Korup National Park service and WWF_Coastal Forest Programme. - Provided the Korup service with local volunteers to serve correspondences in local communities. - Mobilised local schools and the general public and distributed flyers and stickers during the celebration marking World environment day (2010,2011) and world wetlands day (2010). - Participated actively in advocating against the conversion of large expands of biodiversity rich forest near Korup into Palm plantation by the government of an economic operator alongside Pro-wildlife, WWF and other national and international organisations. - Distributed our annual information leaflet (2010) sensitizing local communities on the impact of hunting on wildlife.



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