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| This is the Zodiac speaking. You people seem so smart, yet I get away with so much.
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| Here is a letter for you smart people:
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| ↙€☻¥€∀⊙⌂⊙☻♂ﷲ⊙⅛⊙▓々¥⊙€⊙♫♫㉿㌘†☻⊙∆⊙♫㌘†☻☻々↔∆╨€☻⅛⊙∀∀⊙☻♂▓々㉿▓∀々㉿↔╨€↙⊙☻♂♫々ⅨД々ґ€†♫々ﷲ╨々☻☼㉿†⅛⊙∀∀▓々㉿▓∀々☼㉿†㉿☻∀☼¥々♫∆↔㉿☼∆╨々⊙↔Д㉿¥☼♫Д†∆ﷲ╨々☻☼㉿†↙€☻¥€∀⊙⌂々∆╨⊙♫ﷲ々Д♫⊙∆々☼㉿†⅛⊙∀∀∆╨々♫㉿†∀㉿㌘∆╨々▓㉿㉿↔$†々々↔▓⊙♂♫∀€↙々♫∆╨€∆¥々↙㉿∆々∆╨々⊙↔∀⊙↙々♫∆㉿∆╨々々¾Д€↔⅛¾々☻∆∆╨€∆⊙€¾☻㉿ﷲ¥々♫∆↔㉿☼⊙☻♂ﷲ⊙∆╨¾☼㉿ﷲ☻Д€↔々╨€☻¥♫
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